Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your best friend today is Google. Whatever you want, you ask google. So much so that google started completing your sentences.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
In 2018, most user searches happening are through mobile. Hence SEO for mobile web pages is the key to success. Load speed comes into the picture when we target mobile pages. In Appiness, we use google recommended tools and ways to optimize your website for mobile, desktop and tablets. We make sure your entire website’s architecture is SEO friendly. Going deep we make sure your website is SEO friendly for all the major browsers in the market.

Think about what a user is going to type. The objective is not to ‘make your links appear natural’, the objective is that your links are natural.

Matt Cutts (head of Google Webspam team)
We understand that a search happens primarily for content and content is the king in SEO. Before we start SEO we understand what the business or the website is addressing, who are the potential users and what they will be looking for and whether the content in the website satisfies their needs.
Over the years Appiness has served more than 100 Indian and international happy customers in various domains of business including healthcare, real estate, gaming etc. We strictly follow white hat SEO techniques that has given us steady results throughout our career. We implement all types of SEO techniques like Onpage SEO, Off page SEO, Structure data, load speed optimization etc.
SEO and Analytics come hand in hand nowadays. We understand it very well and therefore we take the next step in SEO, UI and UX based on analytics reports. We promise you a steady growth in your organic sessions, users and pageviews by implementing tailor made SEO for your business.