Product development services in Bangalore

Ever wondered what it takes to launch a new product? While it is true that all it takes is an idea to change a business model of an enterprise; however, to ensure efficiency in terms of product support and sustenance, what you need is a team of talented resources, and a highly qualified management team to streamline the complex procedures of a start-up product development.

Whether you’re working on a prototype or a full-fledged solution built from scratch, we’re here to help you throughout your journey. Leaders from various industries will guide you to your brand's success.

Planning a new product development is never easy, it starts with conducting rigorous research that could very well lead to the development of ‘The’ product, and ends with creating a convincing sales pitch. In between lies a space where we will help you innovate, design, build, test, upgrade, and lastly scale the next-generation products.

With our agile, all-in-one Start-Up Product Development agency, we maximise the resources and minimise the risk. Furthermore, to deliver an innovative service or product so that targeting your audience becomes more effortless, we have sectionalised our services.

To deliver a 360-degree solution, we have services on Web App Development, Hybrid App Development, Native Mobile App Development, and Business Consulting. Through segmented services, we assist our clients in translating their concepts into concrete products.

Product Design Company

First, we assess the feasibility of turning an idea into a service or product and try to analyse the complexity of the development process. Based on the outcome, the cost, time and resources will be decided. Next comes making technological decisions that include, but is not limited to, product architecture or designing the prototype, the implementation of the ideation process, testing of the implemented plan, providing support, and designing life-cycle management. During the buildout phase, we assure that each step is precise and flexible.

The Steps of Start-up Product Development at Appiness

The first step towards start-up product development at Appiness starts with analysing the project requirements. We try to understand their needs, and if need be, we provide suggestions on the deliverables to make the solution more efficient.

Once an agreement between both parties has been struck, the second step starts. A wireframe according to the suggestions will be made and sent to the client for approval. Once it is approved, we will move forward with the UX design. The design will also be sent to the client for approval, and once approved, it will be sent to the developers to code

Next, the code will be put on the test server which the respective client will have access to. This step is done to let the client assess how the result will reflect when taken live. If there are any changes suggested from the client’s end, the developers will modify the code and work accordingly to meet the needs. However, if the client is happy with it, the test server will be taken live.

When You Hire Us, You Acquire Our

Product Development Agency

Talented Resources:

Our team consists of developers and designers who work relentlessly to bring your concept to a concrete realisation.

A Prompt Management System:

Our effective business management system sets a managerial process to assist the clients as well as align company strategy and objectives. Our team of Account Managers coordinates with the Team Leads across the different fields to strategically set daily actions, monitor performance and trigger the right steps to yield the deliverables.

A Just Estimation:

Whether it is regarding the development cost or the delivery of the project itself, you will be given a just estimation.

Grow Your Business With Us

We provide trusted start-up product development for contemporary business challenges. Moreover, we ensure that our extensive expertise in building and marketing a product for start-up organisations will prove to be worthwhile. Appiness focuses on combining your product specific-requirements with our inherent understanding of the process to establish a timeline and an organised work structure that allows us to get to business immediately. Contact Appiness Interactive now to know more about our services.

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About Us

We are a Bangalore based Product Development and UX firm specialising in

Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to fortune-500s.

We do not redefine anything or reinvent the wheel.

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Simply put, product development for a startup generally refers to the process of turning an idea into a product or service for the customers and bringing it to the market. As the best product development company, we deliver exactly this.

The development steps of a startup product include:
1. Our team of experts first analyse the project requirements, and if needed, pitch in their two cents to the client to make the idea more efficient;
2. A wireframe will be designed;
3. Once it is approved, the third step includes sending the wireframe to the UX designer;
4. The design then will be sent to the developer to code.
5. The code will be put to testing. At this stage, the client may ask to make changes.
Once everything is decided upon between all the parties, the product will be deployed.

The stages to develop a product include the following:
1. Idea curation;
2. Screening and modification based on the client's requirement;
3. Designing based on the wireframe;
4. Testing and modification based on the client's comment on the progression of the product;
5. Commercialising the idea finally, and concretely.

The essential elements of any successful product development include:
1. Considering the vision of the targeted audience;
2. Effectively ideating and demanding proper management;
3. Integrating planning and finance into the mix;
4. Optimising resource management and using planning to utilise the capacity to the maximum level.

The cost of the service may vary depending on the number of hours our resources have put into completing the task. Such aspects as the number of resources, the hours put into the task, and the methodology to meet the requirement will decide the cost of the service.