Blockchain Development Service providers

Satoshi Nakamoto, an acronym, probably, while solving the problem of double-spend in online transactions, would have never thought, that the simple invention is going to change the way the world looks at digital transactions, forever. The concept they built - Bitcoin - and the technology they built it on, an ever-growing chain of blocks, Blockchain, has now grown into something that is changing technology for good.

“I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of the Government. The one thing that’s missing, but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash.”


How Did Blockchain Change The Realm of Technology?

Blockchain Development Company in India

Efficient Transaction and Services:

Blockchain is a decade-old invention still trying to find its footing in this dynamically changing world. However, the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency comes with many benefits. Cryptocurrency delivers users to wire money across national borders without splurging money or spending too much time. Blockchain technology can be used to streamline all kinds of financial transactions with reduced cost and timeframe by getting rid of intermediaries. Moreover, the money can now be transferred directly to the person securely. As there are different types of blockchain-based currencies, you may find it hard to counterfeit them.

Nothing Can Be as Transparent as This:

Blockchain is synonymous with transparency. No matter the type of business or governance operations you are trying to conduct, a whole new level of transparency can be achieved. By default, each data-block connects to the blockchain, so, any manipulation of individual blocks would ultimately change all other blocks and alert the parties who are involved in the transaction. Take the matter of recording property rights by using blockchain as an example. The owners can easily trust their deeds to be both credible and permanent as the technology will work as a public record fortress that is nearly impossible to hack.

‘Agreeable’ Contracts:

No one wants their contract to be full of holes that can be altered or taken benefit of easily. Blockchain technology has powered smart contracts that are agreed upon between two parties. The conditions are not that lenient, as they are basically computer codes built into blockchain. They are able to verify or negotiate a contract agreement. Once the pre-agreed conditions have been met, the terms of the agreement are carried out automatically or at less cost without the need of including any third-party mediators. From project management to supply chains as well as logistics, companies can easily utilize blockchain technology to get more efficient connections.

Healthcare Will Become Cheaper:

Wouldn’t you want to save time and money on tests that you might not even need without compromising on delivering the best treatment possible? Transferring medical records between healthcare providers can sometimes be slow as there might be some incompatibilities between the providers’ systems. However, when we attach individual records to the blockchain system, we can improve credibility and enhance the accuracy and availability of individual medical histories. In short, it means that now you can own your medical data within a permanent and accessible record.

Blockchain Development Services
Blockchain Development Services in Bangalore

Get Bestowed with Efficient Taxation:

What do you get out of the amalgamation of trust, security and transparency? A lenient tax collection and compliance. Blockchain not only allows multiple parties to verify every step of the procedure but also radically improves the procedure of tax collection. It will reduce the costs as well. Although considered a heretic idea, the government around the world could start implementing blockchain technology to set up a smart tax system for both companies and citizens.

Grow Your Business With Us

Blockchain is changing the way technology is solving problems across domains. On domains ranging from banking and FinTech to government systems and education, blockchain is creating systems that have the potential to disrupt the current way of business. This is the biggest thing that hit the world, since the internet itself.

And Appiness is right at the center of it. We are building the future with Blockchain now. A revolutionary product that may change the way we look at banking transactions. A hardware-backed blockchain product with nano-technology, that can potentially wipe out counterfeiting menace as we know it. Yes, they may still be at a PoC level, but we believe our push in the blockchain domain is an effort in the right direction, for the future.

“Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.”

Marc Kenigsberg
Blockchain democratised the creation of currency, with Bitcoin (BTC). Another similar platform, Ethereum, gave us an even more advanced concept, called smart contracts. Smart contracts gave us truly decentralised, human-independent systems like Distributed Autonomous Organisations(DAO). Multiple crypto-currencies with inter-operation/transaction capabilities are built with Initial Coin Offerings(ICOs), to raise funding for blockchain-based startups.
Blockchain is changing the way technology is solving problems across domains. On domains ranging from banking and FinTech to government systems and education, blockchain is creating systems that have the potential to disrupt the current way of business. This is the biggest thing that hit the world, since the internet itself.
And Appiness is right at the center of it. We are building the future with Blockchain now. A revolutionary product that may change the way we look at banking transactions. A hardware-backed blockchain product with nano-technology, that can potentially wipe out counterfeiting menace as we know it. Yes, they may still be at a PoC level, but we believe our push in the blockchain domain is an effort in the right direction, for the future.
Are you looking for solutions or products on Blockchain? Appiness could be your destination.

Blockchain Projects by Appiness

Domains of Expertise in Block chain

• FinTech - Banking/non-banking

• ICO (Initial Coin Offerings)

• Crypto-currency exchanges

• Supply Chain and Inventory

• Real Asset Provenance

• Government Systems

• Healthcare

• EduTech

• Bio-identification

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Some of the enterprises that are using blockchain are Tesla, Amazon, Shopify, IBM, and Gucci.

Based on practicality, the top five blockchains are Ethereum, Tron, Binance, Polygon and Ripple.

At our Web Development Company in Bangalore, we use Solidity and Vyper for blockchain.

Public blockchains are open, decentralized networks where anyone can participate and validate transactions. They are characterized by transparency, immutability, and security, and are often used for applications such as cryptocurrencies. Private blockchains are permissioned networks where only a select group of participants have the authority to validate transactions and maintain the network. They are often used for applications such as supply chain management, digital identity, and interbank transactions.

The utility of blockchain will bring you decentralised databases, enhanced securities to protect your critical data, and greater transparency.