Online Reputation Management

The problems associated with traditional marketing campaigns are exactly that. You cannot measure the impact or the result of your campaigns with tangible results. You might get the total number of people who could be possibly reached with the campaign, but there is no way to measure the number of people who have actually reached or even worse, the exact number of people who might be interested in your product or brand.

Our process of Online Brand Presence Management includes a bevy of activities, including

  • Pro-actively make changes on your website for better conversions.
  • Analyse what works and what doesn’t
  • Rich insights into the visitors of your website
  • See how users actually behave on your web properties
  • Reduce customer defection to competitors
  • Track performance over time and analyse cause-effect relationships
  • Increase revenue/RoI
  • Convert prospects to customers with active involvement
Reputation Management Services in Bangalore
Online Reputation Management Services

We can design and deliver systemized processes for managing the data we generate for better follow-up conversion.

We deliver deep-dive analytics, to provide insights that benefit business objectives. We acquire data from multiple web analytics tools and create coherent information out of it, which helps us in shaping our current and future web presence and online marketing activities. Over the web, any activity you undertake is goal-oriented and it is important to measure the goals with pre-defined metrics. This is made possible with multi-tool analytic tactics including

  • Web Metric Analysis
  • Experiment Analysis
  • Behavioural Analysis

"Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all."

— Charles Babbage.

Web analytics and Reporting provide businesses with the data and insights they need to make informed decisions, optimize their online presence, and drive success.

Online Reputation Management Company in Bangalore

The Importance of Web Analytics and Reporting:

Reputation Management Services Company

Understand the Data:

Web analytics refers to reporting data that can be yielded to discover hidden trends and insights, which is the driving force for successful campaigns. Once the irrelevant data is filtered out, the relevant information can be wielded to gain real prospects.

Understand Who Your Audience Is:

A website with a sub-par user experience will not gain your business conversion. To improve your user experience, we must understand the audience, the devices they use, the elements they want, etc. Web analytics will help you get insight into who your customers are, and what your customers want and develop strategies to improve their performance.

Analyse RoI:

Web analytics assists in knowing ROI by not only tracking the performance of any social media campaigns, but also the email, ad campaigns, etc. The matter of tagging allows them to track the performance of traffic on other sources.

Improve the SEO:

Another important aspect of using web analytics and reporting is that it will help you improve your SEO. Issues regarding bounce rate, slow loading, landing page report, exit page report, etc can be addressed to find new opportunities.

Strengthen the PPC Performance:

Another important thing that can be improved with the help of web analytics and reporting is PPC performance. Web analytics help in enhancing the remarketing capability, goals, and analytics remarketing efforts. It can also help you track the customers' behaviour on the website after an ad click and get the impressions to improve it further.

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When You Hire Us, You Acquire Our:

Best Online Reputation Management company

Ability to identify the pain points:

When providing a seamless experience, you need to identify all the pain points and address them accordingly. We will develop reports like exit page reports, site speed reports, device, and browser reports to identify the pain area and rectify them to increase the user experience.

Ability to optimise conversion funnel:

We use web analytics to set a number of goals and use funnel visualisation to see through the conversion rate and improve the existing strategy. The implementation of a conversion funnel helps us identify at which point of the funnel the customers are getting dropped out and work on them accordingly to come up with a better strategy to retain them.

Grow Your Business With Us

At Appiness, we deliver deep-dive analytics, to provide insights that benefit business objectives. We acquire data from multiple web analytics tools and create coherent information out of it, which helps us in shaping our current and future web presence and online marketing activities. Over the web, any activity you undertake is goal-oriented and it is important to measure the goals with pre-defined metrics.

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Analytics and reporting are important in organizations because they provide valuable insights into business performance, customer behavior, and market trends. These insights can then be used to inform decision-making, improve processes and strategies, and drive growth.

The main purpose of web analytics is to understand how visitors interact with a website. Web analytics provides data and insights about visitor behavior, such as how many visitors a website receives, how long they stay on the site, what pages they visit, and how they engage with the content.

We provide web analytics services where we typically collect a variety of data about website visitors and their behavior, including demographic data, traffic data, behavioural data, conversion data, campaign data, and social media data.

Some key metrics include page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, time on site, conversion rate, traffic sources, exit rate, and mobile analytics.

The benefits of web analytics include:

  • Improved User Experience
  • Increased Conversion Rates
  • Better Marketing Decisions
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Improved Search Engine Optimization
  • Better Decision Making

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We are a Bangalore based Product Development and UX firm specialising in

Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to fortune-500s.

We do not redefine anything or reinvent the wheel.

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