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  • Posted by:


    • January 16, 2017

    You're doing this wrong- Problems with your content marketing strategy

  • Blogs
  • You're doing this wrong- Problems with your content marketing strategy
  • Blogs
  • You're doing this wrong- Problems w...

The marketing materials that you create for your business -- be it the blog posts, podcasts or videos -- are vital to attracting and engaging customers.

Content marketing isn’t a merry-go-round task. You might see that one fine day a particular strategy works, the next day, it doesn't. And when this happens, what more can you do than scream into a pillow or break the screen of your laptop ( you certainly wouldn't try the latter one!).

Since this is the case with most content marketing guys out there, we thought we should club together all the reasons that could lead to the failure in content marketing, use this list as a diagnostic tool for tracking content marketing loopholes. 

1. Probably you are screaming out way too much!
Hey, when was the last time you picked a pamphlet that spoke nothing more than Sale! Sale! Sale! And you immediately went to the store and picked the item? Very rare, isn't it? Or probably never. It is the same when it comes to online content. No one wants to read material blabbering a-z about your company, a-z about your employees, and everything else for that matter. The real content that is saleable is ‘Solution’. People are online to look for solution and important information.

Create content with consumer in mind. Ask yourself, “If I was the one reading/viewing it, would it be appealing to me?”, If your answer is negative - Time to recreate the content!

2. Living the myth - If you build it, they will come.
If you build it, they will come." This statement worked great for Kevin Costner's character in Field of Dreams. Well, unfortunately this doesn’t hold true for your content. Infact,  it’s the opposite here, if you build it they will never know you built it.

And why is it? You guessed it right! You have not publicized it across social media and other related platforms.

Once you create content, make an ardent effort to drive traffic to it using all possible means - with social media sites being the prominent. Have you tried using the email marketing list? Works best for content that is informative and customer centric.

This will definitely make you say ‘I built it, I promoted and yes they came’. 

3. You are not saying anything new.
Let’s us be honest here - No human is a robot and hence, no one likes reading an article already repeated a 1000 times before. 

And if you have ever committed this blunder, you can't go ahead and complain about your customers not devouring your recent article. You know why!

So, here’s the point - Create original and informative content. Yes, create what you want to create. You will then see that it is more authentic and engaging. This is because when your content is new and raw and has a bit of your thoughts and personality in it, it will stand out. 

Warning - In the process of creating raw content, do not stray away from the main point. Convey the message your audience is looking out for.

So, the next time you are working on content, make sure these 3 pointers are well taken care of. Definitely, there will be tons of other content marketing loopholes, if I have missed on them, you can always comment below and add-up to the existing list.